Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blended tea: "Heavenly Blend Green White Tea"

I received a tea blend from a friend in class a couple of weeks ago (thanks HH!). It smelled wonderful and looked really pretty! This tea is called "Heavenly Blend Green/White Tea" from Distinctly Tea.

I don't usually drink tea blends but they can be very intriguing and I think are good everyday teas. It contains a blend of green and white tea, fruit pieces, cornflowers, safflowers, calendula, and natural apricot flavour. What are cornflowers?! What is calendula?!

I'm not very familiar with many of herbal flowers so, I go searching...according to Wikipedia, cornflowers are vibrant blue flowers that in the past, were considered weeds in crop fields, hence the name. They are used in herbal remedies often for "tired eyes". I was hoping to find some info on the aroma or taste but didn't find too much info.

The calendula flower are the yellow petals, also known as marigold and are believed to help in wound healing and skin problems. It is also stated (on MedlinePlus) to possibly prevent muscle spasms, start menstrual periods, and reduce fevers. Although evidence is inconclusive, this was interesting as pregnant women should avoid consuming calendula flowers as a precautionary measure. This tea had very few calendula petals per teaspoon so I don't think anyone needs to worry much...but definitely good to know especially if you are pregnant!

So, on to the tasting...
Dry leaves: white fuzzy buds mixed into dark/almost black lengthwise rolled tea leaves and yellow, blue, red flower petals. Fragrant: fruity and floral.

The instructions say to steep 1 heaping tsp in 8oz of water for 1-2mins. I found that at 1 min, this was too light in flavour so closer to 2 mins is better.

Infused leaves: cut green leaves, a few plump buds. Aroma is floral, possibly having a cinnamon? scent.

Infused liquid: amber colour, like light caramel, cloudy. Aroma was sweet, floral and fruity, vanilla seems to come through.

Taste: mild, smooth, slightly sweet, and a ?vanilla flavour. No aftertaste and no bitterness. It was nice for an everyday tea.

Possible to get a 2nd steeping but you'll need to steep for 3 mins and the flavour will not be as strong.

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