Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tie Guan Yin Tea and Mochi Brownies

I made some mochi brownies over the weekend and they turned out okay. But, I have to modify the recipe a bit to make it a little more thicker and chewier, as I like chewy brownies.

What turned out to be really nice about them is that they paired well with some Tie Guan Yin oolong tea. This Tie Guan Yin tea from Ten Ren's Tea was more of a traditional style produced tea in that it is more heavily oxidized than the greener ones that are popular right now. My mom had this in her cupboard of tea for a number of years, unopened.

At first, I thought it might not be good to drink as it could be quite old, but I was pleasantly surprised. It had a deep roasted aroma, somewhat woodsy and pu-erh like. The flavour of the tea had notes of caramel to it so the cocoa in the brownies complemented it. The tea was a good everyday drinking tea and would go well with other foods. Not complex but flavourful. The aftertaste was not as strong but still sweet. Reading about more traditional style TieGuanYin oolong, the more oxidized and deeper roasted teas will keep longer and are actually better if not brewed soon after it is made to allow the tea to mellow or rest. It is also more easy to brew the tea apparently, which I think makes it a nice everyday tea.

Here is a pic of the amber tea paired with mochi brownies!

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